Mining for a Sustainable Future


Our Prime purpose is changing the world of mining.  We are changing the face of mining finance.  We are democratizing investment in mining and lowering the cost of capital for environmental and social leaders in mining.  By directing new flows of capital into the environmental and social leaders in mining, we intend to lower the cost of capital for ESG leaders.  This will steer the course for all to follow.  


Energy Metals, Precious Metals, Strategic Metals, Critical Metals, we call them the PRIME METALS.  In the words of Microsoft CEO Satya Nedlla, the world is becoming a computer.  Everything inside a computer comes from a mine.  Technology demand from AI data centers, electric vehicles, solar panels, wind turbines, modern power grids and batter storage; everything we need to transition from a carbon based economy to a renewable economy is driving demand for copper, nickel, lithium, cobalt, silver, platinum and a host of other metals which are critical to our modern economy.  

James Pierpont Morgan famously said “Gold is money, everything else is credit.”  We also believe in the critical importance of gold as a monetary base, and we believe that central banks around the world are pursuing some form of asset backed currency to challenge the US dollar hegemony. We are positioning our stakeholders to benefit from this quietly surging demand for gold through the discovery of new gold deposits around the world, done in partnership with local communities, and with the highest environmental standards. 


Prime Metal Ventures is focused on venture stage investments in mining.  Through a deep and broad network of mining industry contacts we identify the most promising exploration projects which we believe will discover world-class deposits, in partnership with local populations and in the highest category of environmental responsibility.  We believe venture financing is the opportunity to drive the strongest value for our shareholders.  We manage risk and liquidity in our portfolio through proprietary trading and participate in early stage financing of strategic and precious metal discoveries and property development.  

Prime Metal Ventures operates as a publicly owned investment pool which deploys capital into the most valuable and the most socially and environmentally responsible mining projects around the world to create shareholder value.


Change the face of mining finance


Democratizing Investment in mining


Environmental and Social Leadership


Prime Metal Ventures (PMV) is a strategically positioned resource merchant bank harnessing the transformative power of three global megatrends: electrification of economies, precious metals as a hedge against inflation, and the unfolding commodities super cycle. To execute this strategy, PMV plans to launch an initial public offering in Europe, acquiring significant stakes in mining, mineral exploration, and production companies worldwide. PMV's primary focus is on critical metals such as copper, nickel, cobalt, phosphate, and lithium, integral to expediting the shift from fossil fuel dependency to electricity-based solutions. Additionally, PMV will actively invest in gold and silver exploration companies to fortify its portfolio against the impacts of inflation.


  • Invest in high-caliber mining projects committed to robust social and environmental standards.

  • Democratize investments in the mining sector and revolutionize global mining finance.

  • Forge a preeminent portfolio comprising energy and precious metals.

What We Do

We are changing the face of mining finance. 

Moving Forward

By altering the flow of capital in mining, we can change the world.

We show up every day to make our mission a reality for our partners and shareholders.

Prime Metal Ventures conducts due diligence around the globe to and partners with leading financiers to bring world class investment opportunities to retail investors in Europe.

Investment Thesis
  • Invest in top quality ore bodies globally

  • Social license and partnerships with locals

  • Proprietary environmental monitoring

  • Democratized investment in mining

  • Early stage warrant leveraged investment

  • Proprietary trading for revenue generation

Democratizing Investment in Mining

We offer a managed portfolio approach to junior resource investing, allowing retail investors access to warrant-leveraged early-stage discovery opportunities backed by rigorous Environmental, Social, and Governance due diligence.


US demand for the critical minerals lithium, nickel and cobalt, taken together, will be 23 times higher in 2035 than it was in 2021.


2.6 million metric tons of copper that we project will be required in 2035 in the United States alone.


As much as 92% of critical minerals are being produced in countries not friendly to democracy.


Douglas (Dugan) Selkirk
Founder and President

A note from the CEO

The world is changing at a rate that none of us have never seen before. As a species, as a generation, as individuals, we must take the highest action we are capable of to create the world that we need to live in, to be the change we need to see in the world. My personal mission is financing the change we need to see in the world. I have spent my career developing the skill sets to move large projects forward. When I became a father, my perspective changed. What am I doing to make the world a better place for my children and my grandchildren? At that time, climate change was the ‘only’ existential crisis we were facing, today there are many. All these problems can be solved. We have the tools, and we have the talent! 

What we need is coordinated action. And change must come from within. I live in Vancouver, Canada, world capital for mining finance, an entrepreneurial and finance hub and a world leader in Impact investing. The nexus of my career, my skills, my vision, my mission have guided me to create a positive social and environmental impact in the world of mining. The building blocks of global economic transformation come from mines. By changing the world of mining, we can contribute to changing the world.

Now is your opportunity to be part of the change.